TO: The Knight Commander Saint Germain
Before my own Real Self and the Great Law of my being, before the hierarchies of heaven and all who have overcome the world, I pledge my life, my love and my devotion to the cause of world and individual freedom sponsored by Saint Germain and the ascended masters.
Therefore, I apply to be a member of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.
I vow to be a keeper of the light of God in man and I affirm that I am my brother’s keeper.
I will strive to be a living example of the law of life, to espouse virtue and shun evil, and to bear witness to the Truth.
I will recognize all members of the Fraternity as brothers and sisters.
I merge the flame blazing on my heart’s altar with the flame of the Knight Commander to uphold and strengthen his thrust for a cosmic purpose in this age.
I recognize my responsibility to support the expansion of Saint Germain’s mission for this age, both spiritually and materially.
Therefore, each day I will recite “The Keeper’s Daily Prayer” and give my energies in invocation to the sacred fire on behalf of all life.
And I will pay monthly dues to promote the publishing of the masters’ teachings through The Summit Lighthouse.
I will pursue diligently the application of the Law set forth in the Keepers of the Flame lessons.
I will hold fast what is vouchsafed to me in these confidential lessons, sharing them with no one.
By clicking “CONTINUE” you agree to the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity Pledge.